It is our second week of animation and we have already finished our second project. It is a bouncing ball animation, but this time, it is bouncing in arcs instead of in place. For this project we really focused on making the ball bounce realistically. It started off high in the air, and as it kept bouncing, we reduced the amount of squash and stretch and the arc sizes. Just like in the first animation, we started off making the main layers, sky, ground, and ball, but this time, we had a layer for the arcs. We copied, pasted, rotated, exaggerated and transformed, until we had made the ball bounce all the way across the screen. At the end we each thought of a creative way for the ball to disappear and prepare the animation to start over. We made the frame animation and added tweens and timing along with a title and end screen to make it more professional.What I Learned:
As I said above, in this animation we added tweens and timing. These are features in the frame animation that helped us with the title and end screen. Tweens made the screens fade in and fade back out beautifully. It was a bit hectic because of all the frames it added to create the fade but I eventually figured it out. We used the timing to pause slightly on certain frames and add suspense. This was also a bit tricky because I wanted to make sure that it didn't look like my animation was skipping. To solve this, I made the pause time shorter.
How Did it Go? What I Would Change:
Using Photoshop to make this animation was easier this time because many of the steps were the same. Even with the parts that were new, I did not struggle. I really enjoyed this project. If I was to do it again, I would make the ball disappear in in different way at the end. (I was thinking something like getting struck by lightning.)