This week, we learned how to use a new Adobe program called Adobe Illustrator, which is the main building block program for graphic design. You may be wondering why we use this program instead of Photoshop. Adobe Illustrator is a program that uses vectored images and Photoshop uses pixels. In other words, If you went into Photoshop and enlarged a picture to its fullest size and compared it to a fully enlarged picture in Adobe Illustrator you would see a very pixelated looking, bad quality picture in Photoshop and a nice clear image in Adobe Illustrator. We learned how to use many tools that are used for basic designs such as the tools used for shapes: the star tool, ellipse tool, rectangle tool, and the polygon tool. It is easy to make different shapes of different sizes using these tools. We also learned how to color the shapes we had created using the fill tool. First you must select the shape tool and then double click the fill tool in your toolbar. A window will pop up allowing you to choose the color of your shape and then apply it easily. I am excited to learn what else I can make with this program and I am looking forward to our next project.

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