Monday, December 19, 2016

e9 Semester 1 Final- Web Design Project

     For the past week we have been using Adobe Dreamweaver to make a two-page website that holds all of our projects. Since the program was new territory for all of us, we downloaded videos made by Mr. Olsen to teach us how to work inside the application. First we uploaded some files to the e9 server. We created a new folder for these to stay in that was for web design and then downloaded this new folder into Dreamweaver. These files helped create the basic layout of our website. Next, we used photo booth on our computer to take a professional photo of ourselves to apply to our website's home page. Also on the home page we had our elevator pitch from the beginning of this quarter. Before we started the second page, we made sure that our website had a proper title if you pulled it up on your browser. The second page of our website was for our projects. We learned how to embed YouTube videos into the page so that you wouldn't have to go to another window. Lastly, we finished it off with some color.
     We worked on this project all week long. If we used our class time wisely we should have been finished or very close. I tried to view at least one-and-a-half to two videos each day. There were six videos that were each around 15 minutes long. However, to understand the videos and provide the best work one may need to pause or rewind the video.
     The videos and the program were very easy to use and follow. I had very few problems, most of the ones I faced were during the YouTube video uploading section. I was confused at first as to why you couldn't drag-and-drop a file containing the video into the website. Once I figured out how easy it was to embed the video, I went to work adding all of them. When I had gotten halfway through adding them, I made a mistake and I tried to use the undo button. However, I didn't save my work and the button took me back to my last save, deleting all of the videos I had just added. This set me back about ten minutes.
     During this project I learned how to read and write some code for the website. I have very rarely worked with code so it was fun to see how it worked in the professional world. I also learned what a ZIP file is and how to use it. I liked learning how to use another Adobe program. I have never worked with professional computer project editing systems before and it is a great opportunity and experience.
     I really enjoyed this first taste of web design and I might consider taking the class sophomore year. Creating a whole website may be a lot of work, but once you see it finished, you are really proud of yourself. I think that it is the best thing for someone to learn and understand a human's power to create and that you can do absolutely anything, the possibilities are endless!
I cannot provide a screen capture of my website at this time.

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